Monthly Archives: December 2015

Australia Rocks: 5 Reasons to Sell LEGO Internationally to the Land Down Under

Both new sellers and seasoned eBay and Bricklink veterans alike sometimes get squeamish about shipping internationally. Shipping internationally does indeed carry added risks and sometimes added expenses (see 8 Reasons NOT to Ship Internationally). Still, if you’d like to test the waters of … Continue reading

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Where to Buy Used Lots of LEGO Pieces

Whether you’re looking for inventory to build up your LEGO business or just want to find some hidden gems for your personal LEGO collection, used lots can be an affordable option. Here’s a rundown of some common places to find … Continue reading

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Baby with the Bathwater: Labeling Packing Material to Prevent Buyers from Throwing Away LEGO Pieces

The last thing you or your eBay buyer wants is for them to accidentally throw away part of their order or believe they received an incomplete order (it’s painful to even read about, right?). That’s why whenever you pack LEGO orders … Continue reading

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Still Haven’t Found What They’re Looking For: Helping Your eBay Customers find LEGO items you don’t have in stock

Sometimes customers will contact you looking for LEGO pieces in colors or quantities you don’t have in your inventory. Rather than just sending a standard “Sorry, I don’t have that item in stock” message, you could roll up your sleeves and point … Continue reading

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