A Few Tips for LEGO Sellers Who Smoke or Have Pets

Smoking and pets will make your job as an eBay seller more difficult. Both smoking and pet dander can trigger allergies in some of your buyers, which is nothing to sneeze at. Seriously, though, you don’t want to be that seller that triggered someone’s allergies do you? The only way to eliminate the smoke smell or pet dander is to quit smoking and give away your pets. Major lifestyle changes aside, there are a few preemptive measures that smokers and pet owners can take to decrease the likelihood of problems.


Store your LEGO far away from Fido.

For eBay Sellers Who Are Pet Owners
As a pet owner, ideally, you will confine your inventory to a space that Fluffy or Fido cannot access, such as a spare room or closet where you keep the door closed at all times. Confining your inventory to a pet free space will lessen but not fully eliminate the chance of pet hair getting mixed in with your orders. LEGO can also be a choking hazard to your pet, so keeping your inventory in a separate space is safer for both your buyers and pets alike. As you are packing your orders, keep a sharp eye out for stray pet hair and also human hair. Think of your LEGO orders as sandwiches. People don’t want to find hair (pet or human) in their sandwiches. People also don’t want to find hair in their LEGO orders. Gross.

For eBay Sellers Who Are Smokers
Your inventory smells like smoke. Trust me. Don’t believe me? Get a non-smoking friend to give your inventory the sniff test and you’ll see what I’m talking about. You may not smell the smoke, but your buyer will and where there‘s smoke there‘s fire. Buyers who smell smoke in their orders are not happy campers.

As with pet owners, keep your inventory in a separate room or closet away from smoking. Smoke tends to conquer and linger in all of the nooks and crannies around the house, though, so your LEGO pieces still may acquire a smell of smoke. Some sellers Febreeze their orders. Febreeze eliminates the smoke odor, replacing it with some type of “fresh” scent. In other words, your buyer will know you Febreezed the order and smell the “clean linen” scent or whatever scent you picked instead of the smoke.

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